Themed route

The Second World War in Buren

The Netherlands






43.37 km

In the first two days of war, German planes crashed in Buren and the surrounding area. The air war made a big impression on the inhabitants of the area. This turned out to be only a little event, because the coming war years proved to be hard.

Especially from 1944 onwards, the relative calm for residents changed. More often they saw German soldiers or men of the Ordnungspolizei, also known as Grüne Polizei because of their green uniform. Civilians were forced to do digging work for the German occupiers, as part of Organisation Todt. When the war came close, male residents were forced to dig tank trenches and foxholes.

When the German troops capitulated, ammunition, weapons and vehicles were collected in Zoelen. Some of the vehicles were soon put to non-military use by fire brigades and construction and transport companies.

After the liberation, the Orange town of Buren, nicknamed that way since Queen Wilhelmina was Countess of Buren, celebrated the passage of Canadian and Belgian troops.

Sites and stories along the route