
'Our Lady of Banneux' Memorial

The Netherlands




The monument 'Our Lady of Banneux' in Tegelen (municipality of Venlo) is a sculpted corner statue of a female figure. The sculpture is made using gres technique. The memorial is 1 meter 30 high. Text The statue's caption reads: 'OUT OF GRATITUDE FOR YOUR PROTECTION. 1 MARCH 1945.'

The monument 'Our Lady of Banneux' reminds the inhabitants of Tegelen (Venlo municipality) of the Second World War as well as regaining freedom and peace.


During the occupation, local residents vowed to erect a monument to Our Lady of Banneux if the danger of war was averted and families were spared. The memorial's creation was an initiative of the neighbourhood association 'Draagt Elkanders Lasten' (Carry Each Other's Burdens).


Bergstraat/Zandstraat, Tegelen