
Arms monument

The Netherlands




The Arms Monument is located just outside the built-up area of Milsbeek, at the Zwarteweg, and is a permanent reminder of the Roadconstruction Company, a unit of the 2nd British Army's engineer troops. They were active here between March and June 1945.

In the spring of 1945, men of Roadconstruction Company 707 repaired roads in the area. Scattered minefields had to be cleared before they could safely do their work. One thousand German prisoners of war who were interned in a camp near a neighbouring farm were used for this purpose.

When the evacuated residents of Milsbeek returned home in June 1945, they found the three insignia ("arms") placed on the monument that the British had left as a reminder of their presence: the emblem of the 2nd British Army (a cross on a coat of arms), the number of their unit (707), and the badge of the Royal Corps of Pioneers with the motto labor omniat vincit (labour conquers all).


Zwarteweg 44, 6596 MJ Milsbeek