
Battle at Bonte Koe

The Netherlands




The first real confrontation between Poles and Germans on Zeeland territory took place at the Bonte Koe (Pied Cow), a hamlet between Koewacht and Zuiddorpe.

From Koewacht, units of the First Polish Armoured Division spread out along the border towards Zuiddorpe and Overslag. Their intention was to use this route to reach the inundated area south of Axel and advance along the Kinderdijk towards the town.

Near the hamlet of de Bonte Koe they encountered German defences. During fighting, the Poles managed to break the German resistance with artillery support. In the process, six Germans were killed and some wounded. The rest fled to the west. Two Polish soldiers were also killed.

The Polish soldiers were given a field grave and later reburied in Zuiddorpe cemetery, after a collection among the parishioners, to the left of the church. The field crosses of both liberators are in the church. The two fallen are Bronislaw Bucholz and Giedymin Hrynkiewicz. Like many Poles, they both fought under an alias. Bucholz under the pseudonym Gusman and Hrynkiewicz used as name H. Rynkiewicz. Their pseudonyms are also on the joint gravestone.


Hazelarenstraat, Bontekoe (Koewacht)