
Glider Monument

The Netherlands




The Glider Monument consists of a steel skeleton of a full-size glider. The Waco CG-4 is an American military glider that was deployed on multiple occasions during the Second World War, among others during Operation Market Garden. In total, 375 of these WACO gliders landed in the surroundings of Groesbeek. In addition to the men of the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, they also brought jeeps, trailers with supplies, and howitzers.

In 2014, the Glider Monument was unveiled by soldiers of the American 82nd Airborne Division during the commemorations of 70 years Operation Market Garden. It is situated in one of the landing zones of the 82nd Airborne Division. 

Next to the glider, an information column can be found with more detailed information on the background.


1e Colonjes, Groesbeek