
Tombstone to fallen partisans Innocenti, Sorri, and Tamburini





The plaque commemorates fallen partisans Natale Tamburini, Leo Innocenti and Sergio Sorri, who were responsible for an attack on 6 June 1944 on a Nazi convoy crossing the Firenze-Mare motorway. Sorri and Innocenti died in the clash, while Tamburini was captured, tortured and killed a few days later.

On the night of 6 June 1944, a partisan patrol of the Pistoia formation 'Magni Magnino', composed of Natale Tamburini, Leo Innocenti and Sergio Sorri, attacked a convoy of heavily armed Nazi vehicles on the Firenze-Mare motorway, at Traversagna in Massa and Cozzile. The clash was fierce and the partisans Innocenti and Sorri were killed, while the Germans suffered five casualties and a vehicle was set on fire.

Tamburini was wounded and transported to the hospital in Pescia. His comrades tried to organise his release, but did not make it in time because, still convalescent, he was transferred to Villa Matteucci, located in the hamlet of Segromigno in Monte, Capannori. There, he was repeatedly tortured by the Nazis with the aim of extracting a confession from him with the names and locations of his partisan comrades. Two days later, on 16 June 1944, he was taken to the garden and shot. His body was buried in the local cemetery and later, after the liberation, brought back to Lamporecchio. During the funeral, for which his wife wanted to hold a religious ceremony, his coffin was wrapped by his companions in a red drape. However, the priest, Don Ferrali, declared that without the black drape he would not hold the service. After a heated discussion, the red drape was removed and put back at the exit of the church.

Natale Tamburini was a Lamporecchio communist from Carmignano. He was registered by the fascists in the Casellario Politico Centrale (Central Political Records) and spent several years between Belgium and France. Constantly under surveillance, he was one of the promoters of Lamporecchio resistance and was involved in both the recruitment of new members and direct actions against the Germans. After the war, the Casa del Popolo and a street in the hamlet of Cerbaia, Lamporecchio, were named after him. Sergio Sorri, whose battle name was 'Comeana' from his hometown, was awarded the Bronze Medal for Military Valour on 24 September 1975 and the Spazio Giovani in Comeana was named after him in 2016. Leo Innocenti, whose battle name was 'Pallino', was awarded the Bronze Medal for Military Valour on 10 February 1986.

A plaque, unveiled on 6 June 1946 and restored in 2009, stands at the site of the armed clash near the motorway.


Via Ugo Foscolo, Massa e Cozzile, frazione Traversagna, 51010